Free Materials

CompTIA Certification Free Practice tests, Tutorials A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+

CompTIA Certifications Free Practice Exams, Tutorials and Materials along with Forums.  Following are included in the list A+ Certification, Network+, Security+, A+ Practical, Linux+. Read more to see all the resources.

Free Cisco Certifications Practice tests and materials - CCNA, CCNP, CCDP CCIE, CCENT

A huge collection of Cisco certification related free practice tests, study materials, forums, Flash cards etc. CCNA and CCNP being the most popular certifications, you will find more tests on those topics. CCIE, CCENT, CCDP, CCDA materials are also listed on this page. Feel free to share with your friends so everyone can benefit.

45 Best and free resources for IT Architects and Designers

The following websites are some of the best kept secrets of Top IT Architects and Designers. This page has it all, Design Patterns, UI Design, Managing and How-To of Design, Software Architecture resources, OOAD and UML Books and Resources, SOA , n-tier Architecture and Lots more... Above all, these resources are completely Free for everyone to read.