99 Free and Best Books, Tutorials sites for all Programming Languages.

  1. How to Start Programming ( 1962 ) 
    The intent of this book is to introduce computer programming to a complete beginner.

  2. What insightful and thought-provoking websites have you across throughout the years? Here are mine. ( 1940 ) 

    There are some true gems out there on the internet. Some of the most insightful and thought-provoking websites I've found include:


    TED - Ideas worth spreading.

    Khan Academy - a library of over 2,400 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history. A mission to help you learn what you want, when you want.

    Brain Pickings - "a discovery engine for interestingness, culling and curating cross-disciplinary curiosity-quenchers, and separating the signal from the noise to bring you things you didn’t know you were interested in until you are." One of my favorites.

    Big Think - Blogs, articles and videos from the world's top leaders and thinkers.

    Thinking Allowed - provides an open, non-adversarial forum for the exchange of intelligent, alternative ideas.

    TWM Reference Index - a variety of interesting and mentally stirring articles about science, consciousness, and anthropology.

    RSAnimate - Dozens of insightful talks by leading scientists and scholars in their fields drawn real-time on a white board. Awesome for visual learners.

    Lizard Point - Learn geography!


    High Existence - Challenging the way you live!

    S.E.R.I. - Social Engineering Research Initiative

    but does it float - The most thoughtful art you've never seen.

    Compassion Pit - This one's cool. Choose to be either a venter or a listener, and participate in an interaction with another person in that role. This is an enlightening way to improve your listening skills, or to get something off your chest!

    Heavy Petal - How to make seedballs, or flowerbombs. Get guerrilla gardening today!

    Post Secret - We all have secrets.

    If Everyone Knew - Five facts worth knowing.

    inspire me now - Inspirational and novel designs from across the internet.

    Motivation RPG - Stay motivated.

    MoMA - The Museum of Modern Art - The Museum of Modern Art is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and provides inspiration.

    The Ruthless Arena - The proving ground for philosophy.


    SolarBeat - If planetary orbital velocities were put to music.

    Music Roamer - Looking for similar artists?

    22tracks - 22 song playlists of a variety of genres updated monthly.

    Rainy Mood - 30 minute high quality rain loop. Try playing it along with your favorite music.

    aM Laboratory - Beautiful tonematrix.

    The Hype Machine - Electronic music resource.

    Salacious Sound - Another electronic music resource.



    Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Visual News

    Miscellaneous Resources:

    AvaxHome - PDFs? Obscure albums? Recipes? Collections of art? You can probably find it on here.

    Google Torrent Search

    Read the above page for full list and comments.

  3. Tutorom - Tutorial Sharing (Includes Video) ( 1813 ) 
    You can make money sharing Tutorials. Tutorom has tutorials and also video tutorials for many common Tech Topics. It also has tutorials on general topics. A great new concept to Learn by Sharing.

  4. "In a Nutshell" Oreilly Series of Free Books ( 1781 ) 
    Following are free books here C++ in a Nutshell 2003 VB.NET Language in a Nutshell 2001 VB.NET Language in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 2002 VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell 2002 MCSE: Windows 2000 Exams in a Nutshell 2001 VB & VBA in a Nutshell: The Language 1998 ASP in a Nutshell 1999 Ruby in a Nutshell 2001 ASP.NET in a Nutshell 2002 ASP.NET in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 2003 Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell 2003 Windows XP in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 2005 Linux in a Nutshell 4th Edition 2003 Cisco IOS in a Nutshell 2001 LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell 2001 J2ME in a Nutshell 2002 PC Hardware in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 2002 PC Hardware in a Nutshell 3rd Edition 2003 SQL in a Nutshell 2001 Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell 2003 Dreamweaver in a Nutshell 2001 ADO.NET in a Nutshell 2003 AppleScript in a Nutshell 2001 C# in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 2003 Cocoa in a Nutshell 2003 MacOS X in a Nutshell 2003 .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell 2003 Python in a Nutshell 2003 Web Design in a Nutshell 1999 Webmaster in a Nutshell 3rd Edition 2002 Unix in a Nutshell 2nd Edition 1992 Unix in a Nutshell 3nd Edition 1999 Lingo in a Nutshell

  5. Free Online Computer Science and Programming books,Lecture Notes,Text Books etc ( 1531 ) 
    This site lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet.

  6. Exterme Programming Rules ( 1524 ) 

    The Rules and Practices of Extreme Programming.


    User Stories User stories are written.
    release plan Release planning creates the release schedule.
    release often Make frequent small releases.
    iterative The project is divided into iterations.
    iteration planning Iteration planning starts each iteration.


    optimize last Give the team a dedicated open work space.
    steady pace Set a sustainable pace.
    stand-up meeting A stand up meeting starts each day.
    project velocity The Project Velocity is measured.
    move people around Move people around.
    fix xp Fix XP when it breaks.


    simplicity Simplicity.
    System Metaphor Choose a system metaphor.
    CRC cards Use CRC cards for design sessions.
    Spike solution Create spike solutions to reduce risk.
    nothing early No functionality is added early.
    refactor Refactor whenever and wherever possible.


    customer on-site The customer is always available.
    coding standard Code must be written to agreed standards.
    Test Driven Development Code the unit test first.
    pair programming All production code is pair programmed.
    serial integration Only one pair integrates code at a time.
    continuous integration Integrate often.
    continuous integration Set up a dedicated integration computer.
    collective ownershipUse collective ownership.


    unit tests All code must have unit tests.
    unit tests All code must pass all unit tests before it  can
    be released.
    tests When a bug is found tests are created.
    acceptance tests Acceptance tests are run often and the score
    is published.


  7. 14+ YouTube Playlists To Watch & Learn Computer Programming Quickly ( 1470 ) 
    YouTube is used regularly to share comedic clips, it’s without a doubt, a rich pool of educational videos . You’ve seen many articles on our site listing some amazing YouTube channels to become more educated in a variety of general topics, to learn cool dance moves, even some channels for non-native speakers to learn and perfect their English, and dedicated channels for Linux enthusiasts that learn about Linux news and issues. Since it never hurts to learn something new, especially a skill set like computer programming in different languages, we will go over some of the best channels that will introduce you to the world of programming. Let’s look at which channels made the cut

  8. Visual Basic Internet Programming - Books ( 1407 ) 
    Wrox Press have developed a range of titles to form the Professional Visual Basic Library. This comprehensive collection is for professional programmers who want to code heavyweight, efficient and reusable business applications.

  9. Computer Telephony Portal - IVR, CTI, Computer Telephony, Internet Telephony ( 1395 ) 
    The CT Portal was created in 1997 to serve as a focal point and common resource for the growing community of telephony and speech technologies, vendors and applications. It is designed as an open and vendor neutral knowledge base that grows through the initiatives and content contributions of its members.

  10. Free Quick Reference Cards for Programmers. ( 1372 ) 

    A great collection of some quick reference cards for many programming languages like Java, C , C++, XML, CSS, JSP, Visibone, Delphi, ADA, CVS, Doc++, Doxygen, Perl , PHP, Python, Linux, Unix, Ruby, SQL, UML, VB.NET

  11. ITebooks.net ( 1363 ) 
    Itebooks, team lib ebooks, free ebooks, online ebooks, ebooks download, etc are all available on this site.

  12. Computer-Books ( 1361 ) 
    Highest quality computer books all of which are available for free download.

  13. O'Reilly Open Books - Free ( 1336 ) 
    Enjoy free o'reilly open books online on following topics # Asterisk: The Future of Telephony # The Cathedral and the Bazaar # Creating Applications with Mozilla # DocBook: The Definitive Guide # Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason # Free as in Freedom # Learning Debian GNU/Linux # Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition # Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition # Linux Network Administrator's Guide, 2nd Edition # Managing Projects with GNU make, 3rd Edition # MySQL Reference Manual # OpenSources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution # Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing # Practical mod_perl # Using Samba, 2nd Edition # Version Control with Subversion # We the Media # Volume 6B: Motif Reference Manual, 2nd Edition

  14. Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers ( 1292 ) 
    Driven by the increasing capabilities and ever declining costs of computing and communications devices, IT is being embedded into a growing range of physical devices linked together through networks and will become ever more pervasive as the component technologies become smaller, faster, and cheaper.

  15. Free Tutorial Collection on Code Beach ( 1280 ) 
    Free Tutorial collection on following topics. # Android # ASP / ASP.NET # BREW # C++ # C# # ColdFusion # Delphi/Kylix # HTML # J2ME # Java # JavaScript # Palm # Perl # PHP # Pocket PC # Python # SQL # Ruby # Silverlight # Symbian # Visual Basic # XML

  16. Tutorials from Allsyntax.com - Site Design Made Simple ( 1249 ) 
    PHP is a fairly simple coding language that has many uses. This tutorial teaches you how to build a simple interface by using PHP to assemble many html files in to one interface.

  17. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence ( 1246 ) 
    The focus of this report is on artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interface (HCI) technology.

  18. Dive into Python - Free book ( 1203 ) 
    A very popular Free python programming book. Mark this page if you are python programmer

  19. ASP WebRing ( 1197 ) 
    The Active Server Pages Webring mission is to promote the use of ASP and provide a valuable resource for its developers

  20. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide ( 1188 ) 

    This book is a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language. Use Ruby, and you'll write better code, be more productive, and enjoy programming more.

  21. Tech Cheat Sheets ( 1170 ) 
    This website is a good collection of cheat sheets on following topics : actionscript ,ajax ,apache, asp, blog ,coldfusion, color cpp css database , django dojo dotnet emacs firebird firefox flash google htaccess html java javascript LaTeX linux mac microformats mod_rewrite msoffice mysql networking perl php postgresql prototype python quicksilver rails regex ruby scriptaculous security subversion symfony textmate thunderbird unix vb vbscipt vbscript vim webapp wiki windows wordpress XML yahoo

  22. Cheat Sheet Roundup - Quick Ref. Sheets ( 1162 ) 
    Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome. Hence cheat sheets or quick references come handy. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference. Over 30 Cheat sheets Web Development Cheat Sheets * JavaScript * CSS * CSS * CSS * Hex Codes * HTML * XHTML * HTML Entities Databases / SQL Cheat Sheets * MySQL * MySQL * Oracle * SQL * Sybase Language Cheat Sheets * ColdFusion - work in progress * PHP * Ruby * Regular Expressions * JSP * Java * Python Version Control Cheat Sheets * CVS * Subversion Other * Google * Windows * Unix * Unix * Unix * Vi * Vim * mod_rewrite * ASCII Character Codes * htaccess

  23. Sorting algorithms animations ( 1158 ) 

    Show the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm and how each algorithm operates

  24. Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance ( 1148 ) 
    "Unleashing the Killer App," describes how digital strategy integrates the new rules with an organization's planning processes. Our focus is on the early stages: the learning, collaborating, prototyping, and strategy design rather than the actual implementation and deployment of killer apps.

  25. Ruby Study Notes & Tutorials ( 1130 ) 
    RubyLearning.com is a thorough collection of Ruby Study Notes for those who are new to the Ruby programming language and in search of a solid introduction to Ruby's concepts and constructs - ruby-lang.org. Speed up your Ruby programming learning process by joining 100s of other would-be Ruby developers around the globe at the Free RubyLearning Forum

  26. API Reference Online - GotAPI. ( 1114 ) 
    Online Free API Reference for many programming languages. HTML, AJAX, CSS, PHP, Databases, Java, Ruby on Rails, Python, XML, Java, Application testing , C, C++ etc.

  27. Training Course Notes for Core Web Programming ( 1107 ) 
    The PDF versions of the slides are free to everyone. They are all you need if your goal is learning Java and Web technology.

  28. Programmers Heaven - For all languages. ( 1058 ) 
    This websites have materials on all programming languages. It also has large forum community, blogs , developer news etc.. If you need help with programming you must check the resources on this site.

  29. A Practical Theory of Programming ( 1045 ) 
    Texts and Monographs in Programming. You can download the book in four parts, in your choice of pdf or ps format, from the left column below.

  30. Oracle Professional ( 1039 ) 

    Highly technical solutions for developers and DBAs who work 
    with any of Oracle's servers, including extensive coverage of 
    both Oracle9i Release 2 and Oracle10g

  31. Software Engineering for Internet Applications ( 1029 ) 
    by Eve Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet

  32. Practical Common Lisp - Free book ( 1018 ) 
    1. Introduction: Why Lisp? 2. Lather, Rinse, Repeat: A Tour of the REPL 3. Practical: A Simple Database 4. Syntax and Semantics 5. Functions 6. Variables 7. Macros: Standard Control Constructs 8. Macros: Defining Your Own 9. Practical: Building a Unit Test Framework 10. Numbers, Characters, and Strings 11. Collections 12. They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing 13. Beyond Lists: Other Uses for Cons Cells 14. Files and File I/O 15. Practical: A Portable Pathname Library 16. Object Reorientation: Generic Functions 17. Object Reorientation: Classes 18. A Few FORMAT Recipes 19. Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts 20. The Special Operators 21. Programming in the Large: Packages and Symbols 22. LOOP for Black Belts 23. Practical: A Spam Filter 24. Practical: Parsing Binary Files 25. Practical: An ID3 Parser 26. Practical: Web Programming with AllegroServe 27. Practical: An MP3 Database 28. Practical: A Shoutcast Server 29. Practical: An MP3 Browser 30. Practical: An HTML Generation Library, the Interpreter 31. Practical: An HTML Generation Library, the Compiler 32. Conclusion: What's Next?

  33. Java Skyline ( 1014 ) 
    An online magazine for Java Server Developers

  34. Free-itebooks.com ( 1005 ) 
    Free-ITebooks :: Free download of ebooks on computer and programming ie.C, C++, C#, ASP, Flash, Java, Javascript, PHP & MySQL, Oracle, Hacking, Office related, Photoshop and other Imaging Ebooks, Web Design Related ebooks, Python and others. All ebooks that is listed here are free to download.

  35. Find Flash Cards from best sites ( 1004 ) 
    Quickly search for available flash cards from some of the best flash card sites.

  36. Artificial Intelligence ( 1003 ) 
    An quick overview of AI from both the technical and the philosophical points of view. Topics discussed include search, A*, Knowledge Representation, Neural Nets.

  37. Video Courses Online - (Free) Various topics ( 1002 ) 

    Math for Computer Science - Tara Holm 
    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Holly Yanco 
    Discrete Math - Shai Simonson 
    How Computers Work - Gill Pratt 
    Object-oriented Program Design - David Goddeau 
    Algorithms - Shai Simonson 
    Systems - Luis Rodriguez 
    Web Applications - Philip Greenspun 
    Theory of Computation - Shai Simonson 
    Artificial Intelligence - Patrick Winston 
    Unix Workshop 
    Database Management Systems - Ravi Jasuja 
    Applied Probability - Tina Kapur

  38. Video Courses Online - (Free) Various topics ( 1002 ) 

    Math for Computer Science - Tara Holm 
    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Holly Yanco 
    Discrete Math - Shai Simonson 
    How Computers Work - Gill Pratt 
    Object-oriented Program Design - David Goddeau 
    Algorithms - Shai Simonson 
    Systems - Luis Rodriguez 
    Web Applications - Philip Greenspun 
    Theory of Computation - Shai Simonson 
    Artificial Intelligence - Patrick Winston 
    Unix Workshop 
    Database Management Systems - Ravi Jasuja 
    Applied Probability - Tina Kapur

  39. Java Update ( 991 ) 
    Get the latest news, articles, and tips from the Java Zone every Friday.

  40. Video: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - MIT Course ( 983 ) 
    Video: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - MIT Course . This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python™ programming language.

  41. 8 Free Programming Books: C++, C Sharp, Java, Linux ( 972 ) 
    Here are 8 free Programming and Development books covering the following: C++, Java, Linux programming, C# (CSharp), and Network Security.

  42. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs ( 959 ) 
    The material on this site is aimed at instructors using SICP as a course text, and at people using the book for self-study.

  43. ACM Crossroads Objective Viewpoint ( 944 ) 
    The student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery with a column called Objective Viewpoint which focuses on C++ and on Java.

  44. Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors with Details ( 929 ) 
    Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors is a list of the most widespread and critical programming errors that can lead to serious software vulnerabilities. They are often easy to find, and easy to exploit. They are dangerous because they will frequently allow attackers to completely take over the software, steal data, or prevent the software from working at all.

  45. Algorithms ( 927 ) 
    The design of algorithms is studied, according to methodology and application.

  46. Free books on Data Structures and Algorithms ( 920 ) 
    Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java Rational Rose Tutorials [Another] Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# Working with Objects (PDF, 466p) Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++

  47. Free Programming Resources ( 919 ) 

    Free Programming Resources is a directory of links to free programmer resources including free programming tutorials, free online programming books, free compilers, free programming tools, free source code, programming libraries, game programming resources, graphics resources and security tools.

  48. The Online Books Page: Mathematics and Computer Science ( 911 ) 
    The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all.

  49. Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition ( 886 ) 
    This book is a collection of essays about a glamorous aspect of software: programming pearls whose origins lie beyond solid engineering, in the realm of insight and creativity. This book provides a guide for both students and experienced programmers about how to design and create programs, and how to think about programming.

  50. Cybersecurity Today and Tomorrow: Pay Now or Pay Later ( 869 ) 
    Cybersecurity Today and Tomorrow: Pay Now or Pay Later-WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT CYBERSECURITY? With the above perspective in mind, here are some of the main messages about cybersecurity that emerge from a review of CSTB reports. In the United States, information system vulnerabilities, from the standpoint of both operations and technology, are growing faster than the country’s ability (and willingness) to respond . Security is expensive, not only in dollars but especially in interference with daily work .

  51. Technology or computer books for free download ( 860 ) 
    This site offers free books on computer and technology subjects, like Linux, Java, Microsoft, C and C++,etc. Available either free online or for free download.

  52. Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: a PWS book: Patterns for Adaptive Programming (AP) ( 858 ) 
    Adaptive Programming ideas have been re-invented in many different domains (software engineering, data bases, meta-object protocols, attribute grammars, functional programming, digital signal processing) and since the idea has been used successfully it is time to formulate it in terms of patterns to isolate the key ideas and to make them easier to teach.

  53. Web Programming Ebooks ( 857 ) 
    Beginning POJOs Beginning POJOs introduces you to open source lightweight web development using Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) and the tools and frameworks that enable this. PHP XML and Web Services An expert guide to using the XML features of PHP 5 and PHP 6. First get introduced to the XML concepts required for proficiency. Then, learn about how to use use XML and Web Services with PHP 5. Topics include DOM, SimpleXML, SAX, xmlReader, XSLT, RDF, RSS, WDDX, XML-RPC, REST, SOAP, and UDDI. Ruby book A comprehensive problem-solving guide to a hot programming language. Provides hundreds of solutions to real-world problems, with clear explanations and thousands of lines of code you can use in your own projects. Ruby on Rails With Ruby on Rails, full featured web applications that once took weeks to code are now able to be developed in literally days. ASP.NET 2.0 A practical introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 Web programming, giving you actual working code to build the most popular types of applications on the Web.

  54. The Open Book Project ( 855 ) 
    The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics.

  55. Papers & Tutorials on C++,Java,XML,JSP,UML ( 843 ) 
    In this section you will find many hands-on tutorials and papers which focus on certain aspects and technologies where you -as a programmer- can come accros with.

  56. 10 skills developers will need in the next five years ( 833 ) 
    With the recent changes in the economy, a lot of developers are focused on their short-term job prospects. At the same time, it’s important to make sure that you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to taking the time and energy to learn new skills. Here is our list of 10 skills you should be learning right now to make sure that your resume is relevant for the next five years. The list is hardly exhaustive, and there are huge swaths of the industry it won’t cover (mainframe developers, for example). Nonetheless, for average mainstream development, you can’t go wrong learning at least seven of these skills — not only to the point where you can talk convincingly about them at a job interview, but actually use them on the job

  57. Fundamentals of Grid Computing ( 829 ) 
    The purpose of this IBM Redpaper is to provide discussion material about grid computing, concepts, use, and architecture. Grid computing represents unlimited opportunities in terms of business and technical aspects.

  58. Quick Reference Cards ( 823 ) 
    In this section you will find many Quick Reference Cards on Java,MySQL,XML,c++,cvs,delphi,web>
  59. Gaynanb.com ( 823 ) 
    Gaynanb.com is a site where knowledege about free IT Books, Study Guides, Practice Exams, Tutorials and Software, etc can be got.

  60. 20 Open Courseware Classes on Web Design Worth Bookmarking ( 809 ) 
    One of the easiest and cheapest ways to learn web design is via open courseware classes. You can get some top notch instruction from universities all for free just by using their open courseware classes. Some of the most respected universities like the University of California at Berkeley, The University of Washington and MIT offer classes on web design and development. These classes cover the same material that you would learn in one of these university classrooms; yet you pay no tuition and can study in your own home at your own pace. Take a look at these 20 classes on web design; all of them are free!

  61. 10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About ( 808 ) 
    It’s been nearly two and half years since the publication of the first “10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about” article on this site and given the fast paced evolution of technology it’s time for an update. The start of new school year is the perfect time to refresh this list! Below you will find updated information for 5 of the technologies from the original posting, and 5 new technologies that have earned their rightful place in the list (displacing 5 other types of tech, that while still worthy, are not quite as relevant today, IMHO). This is not intended to be a definitive listing, but rather an informed resource that provides insights and raises awareness. Lots of links to example apps and articles have been provided, so readers can learn more about each application category.

  62. Dhruvaraj's Free Computer Books ( 795 ) 
    It is a Collection Of Free Online Books on all kinds of subjects.

  63. The Psychology of Menu Selection: Designing Cognitive Control at the Human/Computer Interface ( 793 ) 
    This book, the first entirely devoted to this important form of human/computer interaction, provides detailed theoretical and empirical information of interest to software designers and human/computer interaction specialists and researchers.

  64. Developer Site - CodeGuru ( 791 ) 
    Developer resources for C++, VC++, VB, .NET, Java, Windows and all major programming languages.

  65. Objects by Design ( 776 ) 
    A site dedicated to bringing you valuable information about the world of object-oriented design and programming.

  66. Perl Documentation ( 773 ) 
    This site contains the core documentation for the Perl language.

  67. Library.N0i.Net ( 763 ) 
    Library.N0i.Net is a complete library in it self. It has Portals,latest news, Literature repository,etc.

  68. IBM Free Redbooks Online ( 762 ) 
    IBM Redbooks are developed and published by IBM's International Technical Support Organization, the ITSO. We develop and deliver skills, technical know-how, and materials to technical professionals of IBM, Business Partners, and customers, and to the marketplace in general.

  69. Tutorials and Manuals from www.Cesis.lv/learn ( 748 ) 
    This is a site where you can find: different tutorials and manuals for computer languages and programs; different links to cool sites

  70. Latest of Subash Chandra Nayak's eBook links ( 748 ) 
    This site present the latest collection of usefull links of e-books, tutorials, and reference relating to programming languages, computing and many more.

  71. Information Retrieval ( 742 ) 
    The material of this book is aimed at advanced undergraduate information (or computer) science students, postgraduate library science students, and research workers in the field of IR.

  72. Programming Languages ( 734 ) 
    The book treats programming language topics from a foundational, but not formal, perspective. It is foundational in that it focuses on core concepts in language design such as functions, records, objects, and types and not directly on applied languages such as C, C++, or Java.

  73. Index of books ( 733 ) 
    Index of books on different Programing Languages

  74. Free ebooks at Apress.com ( 726 ) 
    Checkout some Free ebooks on apress.com. Following titles are free! A Programmer's Introduction to PHP 4.0 Writing Perl Modules for CPAN Programming VB .NET: A Guide For Experienced Programmers COM and .NET Interoperability XML Programming: Web Applications and Web Services With JSP and ASP Google, Amazon, and Beyond: Creating and Cons uming Web Services Practical Common Lisp Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop Apress is a publishing company devoted to meeting the needs of programmers and IT professionals.

  75. AllFreeTech E-Books ( 715 ) 
    Over 100 full-text books in our E-Books library—which can be accessed to the complete content, including illustrations and graphics but only for AllFreeTech members.

  76. The Definitive Guide to Active Directory Troubleshooting ( 711 ) 
    NetPro's Definitive Guide to Active Directory Troubleshooting & Auditing relates up-to-the-minute guidance on effective troubleshooting and auditing of Microsoft's Active Directory.

  77. Programming from Specifications ( 708 ) 
    Programming from Specifications presents a rigorous treatment of most elementary program-development constructs, including iteration, recursion, procedures, parameters, modules and data refinement.

  78. The Computer Technology Documentation Projects ( 682 ) 
    This site contains computer documentation and information in various technical areas including markup and web languages, operating systems, hardware, programming, and networking. This documentation is suited for beginners to experts. There are various tips, editorials, and weblinks in several categories.

  79. National Academy's Discovery Engine ( 680 ) 
    The Discovery Engine searches more than 650,000 book pages from more than 3,600 formal publications produced by The National Academy of Sciences, The National Academy of Engineering, The Institute of Medicine, and The National Research Council, plus more than 100,000+ Web documents from The National Academies: current projects, testimony, press releases, news documents, etc.

  80. Education Online for Computer Software ( 674 ) 
    We offer you both Free and subscription-based educational training and tutorials, on the menus at left, for the most popular computer software applications and productivity tools.

  81. Python Documentation ( 668 ) 
    The Python Programming Language Python® is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be used for many kinds of software development. Python is distributed under an OSI-approved open source license that makes it free to use, even for commercial products.

  82. Tips and Tricks to Active Directory Troubleshooting ( 657 ) 
    From this site you’ll learn the essentials of Active Directory running in the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 environments, including best practices for back-up and restore, and managing and troubleshooting schema, replication, DNS, Kerberos, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC), and other essential AD components and processes.

  83. The Java Series - Online Books ( 654 ) 
    The Java Series: Providing information for users of Java technology at all levels of expertise.

  84. SE Radio - The Podcast for Professional Software Developers ( 653 ) 

    Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Every ten days, a new episode is published that covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content – we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is an independent and non-commercial organization. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons 2.5 license.

  85. Click-now.net ( 649 ) 
    This site gives us a comprehensive detail about the different kinds of ebooks that are available to them. It is a free download site.

  86. Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers ( 640 ) 
    Get a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and the .NET Framework 2.0.

  87. Books hosted by digilife.be ( 619 ) 
    The purpose of this site is to centralize information on every aspect of software developmentand to make it available to everyone who may need it.

  88. USENIX Online Library and Index ( 607 ) 
    The USENIX conferences have become the essential meeting grounds for the presentation and discussion of the most advanced information on the developments of all aspects of computing systems and the proceedings from each USENIX conference and the magazine are available on its Online Library and Index.

  89. Usability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists ( 571 ) 
    Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site. The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order.

  90. National Academy Press ( 554 ) 
    The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States.

  91. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers ( 551 ) 
    Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers is a textbook for a new kind of introductory prob-stat class. It emphasizes the use of statistics to explore large datasets. It takes a computational approach, which has several advantages: •Students write programs as a way of developing and testing their understanding. For example, they write functions to compute a least squares fit, residuals, and the coefficient of determination. Writing and testing this code requires them to understand the concepts and implicitly corrects misunderstandings. •Students run experiments to test statistical behavior. For example, they explore the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) by generating samples from several distributions. When they see that the sum of values from a Pareto distribution doesn’t converge to normal, they remember the assumptions the CLT is based on. •Some ideas that are hard to grasp mathematically are easy to understand by simulation. For example, we approximate p-values by running Monte Carlo simulations, which reinforces the meaning of the p-value. •Using discrete distributions and computation makes it possible to present topics like Bayesian estimation that are not usually covered in an introductory class. For example, one exercise asks students to compute the posterior distribution for the “German tank problem,” which is difficult analytically but surprisingly easy computationally. •Because students work in a general-purpose programming language (Python), they are able to import data from almost any source. They are not limited to data that has been cleaned and formatted for a particular statistics tool. The book lends itself to a project-based approach. In my class, students work on a semester-long project that requires them to pose a statistical question, find a dataset that can address it, and apply each of the techniques they learn to their own data. To demonstrate the kind of analysis I want students to do, the book presents a case study that runs through all of the chapters. It uses data from two sources: •The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to gather “information on family life, marriage and divorce, pregnancy, infertility, use of contraception, and men’s and women’s health.” (See http://cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg.htm.) •The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), conducted by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion to “track health conditions and risk behaviors in the United States.” (See http://cdc.gov/BRFSS/.) Other examples use data from the IRS, the U.S. Census, and the Boston Marathon.

  92. Agile Modeling - Effective Practices for Modeling and Documentation ( 426 ) 
    Agile Modeling (AM) is a practice-based methodology for effective modeling and documentation of software-based systems. At a high level AM is a collection of best practices, depicted in the pattern language map below (click on the practice for information). At a more detailed level AM is a collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied on a software development project in an effective and light-weight manner